Visitors Information

The 2019 LDERI Show & Tell will take place largely at the CSIR’s Detonics, Ballistics, and Explosives Laboratory (DBEL), north of Pretoria.

The facility comprises an office complex and test ranges where experiments are conducted with various forms of explosives and weaponry.

DBEL is licensed and regulated by the Department of Labour in terms the Occupational Health and Safety Act and very strict safety requirements are set to ensure the well-being of staff and visitors.

Please take note of the following:

The laboratory is a secure site. Entering and exiting the site is logged in a visitors’ book.

On arrival at the office complex, guests will be required to complete an indemnity document and will receive a comprehensive safety briefing.

Visitors will be accompanied by an authorised person at all times, and are requested to stay in a group.

Trained medical staff are always on hand.

No items (including shrapnel) may be removed from the blast range.

Cell phones and tablets remain at the office complex and may not be taken to the actual test range.

Please use the bathrooms at the offices as the test range has no ablution facilities.

Smoking is not allowed at the range.  Cigarettes, matches, lighters must be left at the office complex.

DBEL is located in a typical bush environment. Please take the necessary precautions against sun exposure, heat and dust, and take sufficient fluids.

We look forward to welcoming you at the unique DBEL facility.