Pretoria Electronic Workshop

The CSIR’s Technology for Special Operations (TSO) group in Pretoria has a well-equipped electronic workshop that focuses mainly on unmanned aerial systems (UAS). Researchers work on developing new systems and enhancing existing aerial platforms. UAS experts working in this facility also perform evaluations on various airframes, in line with the CSIR’s mandate to promote smart use, smart buying in its clients. Through their extensive experience working in this field, researchers are well-suited to provide training for clients on modified or newly developed airframes.

The TSO Pretoria electronic workshop provides quick reaction solutions for clients, when current equipment does not meet specific mission requirements in a military environment. Equipment is managed and maintained in this facility for Special Operations Forces.

Researchers also look at the client’s requirements and perform a needs analysis in order to assists clients with smart technical and operational solutions. The researchers from this electronic workshop can develop new technology if the solution requires equipment that is not commercially, or off-the-shelf, available. In some cases, researchers will integrate various commercially available items, to create a new system that offers a smart solution to a specific client requirement.

Stefan Kersop